The Cajun Corner


RestaurantsRestaurants & Specialty Dining

About Us

''The Place to Eat'' this is where it is. We have variety to choose from Simmerin' Soups, Crusty Bread, Eggplant Stix, Garden District Salads, Cajun C's Specialities, French Quarter Pasta, Saints Steaks, Big Easy Seafood and Chicken, Jazzy Drinks, Domestic & Premium Bottles, Wine, Favorite Spirits, CajunSwamp Tea, Cajun Cool Aid, and New Orleans Hurricane. Variety of New Orleans flare to choose from. Come and Enjoy the taste of New Orleans. We also have Carry Out call 334-616-0816.


  • Fried Pickles, Doux Desserts, Pastas
  • Variety of Simmerin' Soups
  • Variety of Garden District Salads
  • Variety of Sandwiches, Burgers, Steaks
  • Jazzy Drinks, Beer, Wine